During class on Tuesday, we discussed the Tang Teaching Museum in Saratoga, NY, and the artist it highlighted, Fred Tomaselli. I thought his artwork looked interesting at first glance, so I decided to take a second look. The artwork above caught my eye the most. The level of detail that he puts into his work is amazing. It looks like it was done with oil, but it is actually a collection of cutouts and paints. It is amazing how he fits all of these things into the painting. It was done for the cover of Artkrush and is called Glassy. Tomaselli uses objects like marijuana, mushrooms, and pills to portray a sort of psychedellic haze that his subject is in, hence the title "glassy". The blood on the persons hands is interesting, as well as the number of eyes that are present on the forehead.
An interesting quote from Tomaselli himself: "I want people to get lost in the work. I want to seduce people into it and I want people to escape inside the world of the work. In that way the work is pre-Modernist. I throw all of my obsessions and loves into the work, and I try not to be too embarrassed about any of it. I love nature, I love gardening, I love watching birds, and all of that gets into the work. I just try to be true to who I am and make the work I want to see. I don’t have a radical agenda." Tomaselli wants the viewer to see all of his loves and who he is through his paintings. Is he showing us through Glassy his love of drugs????
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